Saturday, February 27, 2010

Venezuela pide la Extradión de ex-Presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez / Venezuela has Lodged formal Extradition request for former President

La Fiscal General de Venezuela, Luisa Ortega Díaz, informó hoy que se solicitará  la semana próxima, la extradición del ex presidente Venezolano, Carlos Andrés Pérez, por los sucesos ocurridos el 27 y 28 de febrero y primeros días de marzo de 1989, conocidos como El Caracazo.

Cabe recordar que durante los meses de julio, agosto, septiembre y octubre de 2009, los fiscales del caso imputaron a los ex funcionarios de la administración de CAP: el ex ministro de la Defensa de la época, Italo del Valle Aliegro; el general en situación de retiro, Manuel Heinz Azpúrua, ex jefe del Comando Estratégico de Caracas; el general de la Guardia Nacional (GN) en situación de retiro, Freddy Maya Cardona, ex jefe del Comando Regional N°5, y el ex director de la Policía Metropolitana, general retirado de la GN, José Rafael León Orsoni.

Informa la Fiscal que, "[l]a solicitud de extradición no es como una orden de captura, que de pronto es librada por cualquier autoridad policial. Este tipo de medida tiene que ser solicitada a un Estado o país determinado, y el requisito indispensable para ello es saber dónde se encuentra la persona requerida.  Acualmente el ex-mandatario Venezolna se encuentra en República Dominicana.
La Fiscal General, informó que además de los 336 casos que esta investigando el Ministerio Público a propósito de los hechos de El Caracazo, los fiscales adelantan las diligencias para determinar las responsabilidades penales respecto a los lesionados, desapariciones, torturas y violaciones a los derechos humanos ocurridas durante esos días.
Official sources have announced that Venezuela will lodge a formal extradition request with its Supreme Court this coming week for former Preseident Carlos Andres Perez.  This request is being lodged in the form of a consular extradition request and not as an arrest or Interpol warrant.  This means thta Venezuela wil first formulate the request and then communicate that requets to a specific country.  At present, Carlos Andres Perez resides in the Dominican Republic. 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Capturan en Colombia a Freiner Rojas Portela pedido en extradición por España

Ayer en Cali, Colombia, segun fuentes oficials, las autoridades de ese país reportaron la detención de Freiner Rojas Portela, nacionalidad Chilena.  El Sr. Rojas Portela esta reclamado por España bajo cargos de narcotráfico.  Rojas Portela fue detenido en Cali durante el fin de semana pasado.

Según el informe oficial, Rojas "pertenecía a una organización internacional dedicada al tráfico de estupefacientes y lavado de dinero al servicio de narcotraficantes de Medellín."


Yesterday in Cali, Colombia, police released information they had detained a Chilean national named Freiner Rojas Portela on an Interpol arrest warrant from Spain.  Mr. Rojas Portela is the subject of an extradition warrant from Spain for drug trafficking.  He is allegedly part of a Medillin based Colombian drug ring responsible for drug importation and money laundering in Europe.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lawyers for Somali man argue against his Extradition to USA in Ducth Court

Lawyers for a Somali man, Mohamud Said Omar, 44, held in the Netherland on a warrant from US Federal Court in Minneapolis, MN have argued thta he should not be extradited due to a lack of evidence of guilt.  Mr. Omar is  suspected of providing money to the Somali Islamist group al-Shabab that was used to buy guns. Around 20 youths of Somali descent are believed to have traveled to Somalia from Minnesota since 2007 to help the group, which the U.S. says has ties to al-Qaida.

His Lawyers in teh Netherlands fighting the extradition to the U.S. on terrorism charges stemming from a case in Minneapolis arguing in a Dutch court Monday he is innocent and should be released.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Por Primera Vez Corte Suprema Colombiana Niega Extradicion a EEUU de Miembre de AUC / For the First Time in its History Cololmbian Supreme Court Refuses to Grant Extradion

Hoy la Corte Suprema de Justicia Colombiana negó la extradición a EE UU de Edwar Cobos Téllez, alias "Diego Vecino", ex jefe paramilitar, quien es   acusado de narcotráfico por una federal corte de Nueva York.

Esta es la primera vez que la Corte Suprema niega una extradición de uno de los jefes de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC), organización ultraderechista acusada de masacres, homicidios, tomas de rehenes, desapariciones, torturas y secuestros.  La Corte Suprema consideró que Cobo debe responder primero por su participación en esos delitos de lesa humanidad. Varios jefes de las AUC, como Salvatore Mancuso, su máxima cara visible en los últimos años, ya fueron extraditados a Estados Unidos.

The Colombian Supreme Court today denied the extradition request by the USA of Edwar Cobos Téllez, a/k/a "Diego Vecino", ex paramilitary member. Mr. Cobo is charged in US Federal District Court in New York with drug trafficking, conspiracy and money laundering.
This marks the first time that the Colombian Supreme Court has refused to extradite a member of the United Autodefense (AUC) a right wing paramilitary group, which has been linked to atrocities, murders, kidnappings, torture and other crimes. The Supreme Court reasoned that Mr. Cobo should first face justice in Colombia before being handed over to the USA authorities. Other AUC leaders, such as Salvatore Mancuso, the head of the organization have already been extradited to the USA.


The US Department of State may revoke the passport of any person who is the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant.

El departamento de estado de EEUU pude revocar el pasaporte de cualquier ciudadano de ese país que tenga orden de arresto en EEUU.

What happens a person is kidnapped and then taken to COurt in USA? Short Aswer: NOTHING

Someone recently asked Mercado & Rengel what are the implication when someone is lured out of their country of residence to a third country and then "kidnapped" by agents of the USA and "extradited" without due process to the USA?

There are two parts to this question, the first is teh issue of being "lured" to a third country and the second relates to "Extraordinary or Extrajudcial Renditions".

(1) Lures
A lure involves using a subterfuge to entice a criminal defendant to leave a foreign country so that he or she can be arrested in the United States, in international waters or airspace, or in a third country for subsequent extradition, expulsion, or deportation to the United States. Lures can involve any sort of artifice from a rendesvous with a friend to a legitimate business deal.

(2) Extrajudicial "Extradition" or kidnapping
In United States v. Alvarez-Machain, 504 U.S. 655 (1992), the United Sattes Supreme Court found that a court has jurisdiction to try a criminal defendant even if the defendant was abducted from a foreign country against his or her will by United States agents. Tough this discision seems worngheaded to some, including us, the law in the USA is now settled such conduct is perfectly legal and in no way affects the ability of teh government to prosecute a case against the individual abducted.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Colombiano buscado en EE.UU. se naturalizo en Costa Rica para evitar extradición / Colombian sought in USA becomes Costa Rican citizen to avoid extradition

Para evitar la extradición a EE.UU., Silvio Montaño Vergara obtuvo la ciudadanía costarricense. Según la prensa en Costa Rica se trata de un caso en cual el Colombiano con el único propósito de evitar la extradición contrato matrimonio con una costarricensa con la ayuda de un abogado Colombiano. El gobierno de Costa Rica busca anular la naturalización del Sr. Montaño que se encuentra detenido en Colombia como parte uno de los carteles de narcotraficantes Colombianos.

Recordemos que Costa Rica no tiene un tratado que permita la extradición de nacionales a los Estados Unidos. Si seria arrestado en Costa Rica el Sr. Montaño no corría el riesgo de ser enviado a esa EE. UU., donde actualmente está acusado en la corte federal de EE.UU.


In order o avoid being extradited to the USA, Silvio Montaño Vergara, obtained Costa Rican citizenship. According to the Costa Rican Press, the Colombian national married a Costa Rican woman for the sole person of obtaining Costa Rican citizenship for the purpose of avoiding extradition. The Costa Rican government has petitioned to annul the citizenship of Mr. Montaño as a product of what the alleged is the fraudulent purpose of his marriage.

Mr. Montaño presently sits in a Colombian jail on the USA extradition warrant having been arrested in Colombia. Mr. Montaño is reputed to be a member of an international organized crime cartel which allegedly traffics in cocaine. Mr. Montaño faces charged in US District Court for drug related crimes.

It is important to note that Costa Rica does not a have an extradition treaty with the USA and had Mr. Montaño been arrested on Costa Rican soil he would not have been extradited.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

epa - european pressphoto agency: Llega a Italia el prófugo mafioso Di Mauro tras ser extraditado por España

epa - european pressphoto agency: Llega a Italia el prófugo mafioso Di Mauro tras ser extraditado por España

"El jefe mafioso Paolo di Mauro, el tercer prófugo más buscado por la Policía italiana, aterrizó hoy en el aeropuerto romano de Fiumicino tras ser extraditado por España, donde fue detenido el pasado 27 de enero en Barcelona, confirmaron a Efe fuentes policiales.
Di Mauro, detenido en España junto a Luigi Mocerino, otro de los 50 prófugos más buscados de Italia, llegó a las 15.00 hora local (14.00 GMT) al aeródromo de la capital italiana, tras lo que fue conducido a la cárcel romana de Rebibbia.
Las autoridades italianas creen que Di Mauro, apodado con el nombre de "Paoluccio l'infermiere" ("Pablillo, el enfermero"), es además uno de los narcotraficantes más importantes a nivel internacional y responsable de una red de tráfico de estupefacientes con ramificaciones en varios países, entre ellos España."


An alleged Italian mafioso arrived in Rome yesterday after having been arrested in Spaina nd ultimately extradited. He faces 17 years in prison for his alleged connections with international criminal activity and rug trafficking.

Villanueva pierde juicio para no ser extraditado - El Universal - México

Villanueva pierde juicio para no ser extraditado - El Universal - México

Former Governor of Quintana Roo, Mexico to be extradited to Southern District of New York after losing appeals in Mexican courts. The ex-Govenor is wanted in the USA for his alleged involvement with narcotics trafficking.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Arrestados más de 20 extraditables en Colombia - over 20 arrested in Colombia and held for extradition to federal court USA

Al menos 22 presuntos narcotraficantes miembros de una organización con vínculos con carteles mexicanos y quienes están pedidos en extradición por EE. UU. fueron arrestados en varias localidades en colombia.

Según el general Oscar Naranjo, director de la policía colombiana, la acción contó con el apoyo de la agencia estadounidense antidrogas DEA y dejó 22 capturados, entre ellos a 12 pilotos de aeronaves encargados de transportar cargamentos de alucinógenos.

"Entre los capturados está una mujer que era el enlace directo entre los carteles colombianos de la droga y el delincuente mexicano Joaquín Guzmán conocido como 'El Chapo'", aseveró Naranjo en una reuda de prensa.

Alvaro Uribe tambien se pronuncio sobre la captures, añadiendo que segun el "Es un paso en la dirección correcta, ojalá los podamos capturar a todos [porque] tenían conexión directa entre Colombia y los carteles de Juárez y Sinaloa, en México".


Colombian police detained for extradition 22 alleged drug traffickers and the United States has requested the extradition for nearly all of them.  In a joint USA and Colombian mission dubbed “Operation Frontiers” primarily in and around Medellin, the head of the National Police, Gen. Oscar Naranjo, said at a press conference.

“This structure of 21 drug traffickers captured with the aim of extradition are criminals linked very closely ... to the drug trafficking kingpins in Colombia today,” he said.  Moreover, governmnet officials claim thta these individulas, primarilt involved in transport were part of a lawrger international criminal network.  Many have already been charged in the federal court in USA.  Sources confirmed that the arrests were made possible after two years of coordinated and continuous work between the Colombian Attorney General’s Office and U.S. department of justice and federal agencies.  Among the items seized in teh operation, according to sources were "aircraft, real estate in rural areas, also apartments in urban zones and a series of front companies to launder assets..."

Nosotros en Mercado & Rengel como abogados penalistas experimentados en asuntos internacionales estamos bien informados sobre los procesos de la Interpol y estamos listos para ayudarles en materias de extradición, penales o simplemente si están preocupados por su situación legal en general. No dude en contactar con nosotros en Madrid +34 914 02 36 57 o Miami 305-432-2199, correo electrónico a

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The sad case of María José Carrascosa, Spanish mother sentenced to 14 years in USA for violating court orders

In late December a state court judge in sentenced María José Carrascosa to 14 years in prison by a judge in New Jersey for failing to adhere to a court order that she return her daughter from Spain. The order was in relation to a child custody battle being waged internationally in the courts of Spain and the USA.

This case highlights the strange twists that can often occur in the real of international law, in large part due to the lack of a truly international structure for dealing with conflicts between tribunals. The case represents a conflict not only between ex husband and wife, but also between the United States and Spanish judiciaries. Ms. Carrascosa had been awarded custody of her minor child Victoria, while her husband was given custody in United States by the same judge who in December sentenced Ms. Carrascosa to the prison sentence.

Ms. Carrascosa was married to her husband from 1999 to 2004 and has since accused her ex husband of abuse. Ms. Carrascosa has always defended her decision to take her daughter to Spain, fleeing she claimed from the abuse of her ex-husband. After removing her daughter to Spain, she failed to comply with a court order issued by the High Court in New Jersey in August 2006 which ordered her, at her ex-husband's request, to return her daughter to the USA. Ms. Carrasco, whose passport had been confiscated, went into hiding in the USA, where she was ultimately arrested in November, 2006.

This case exemplifies the need to have counsel who can guide you through legal proceedings that take place in multiple jurisdictions. There must be a good understanding of the law in each of the jurisdictions involved and then a strategy needs to be undertaken to prevail in each forum. Unfortunately, for Ms. Carrascosa it appears that her strategy was to rely on the fact that she did not kidnap her daughter and that she had a ruling from a Spanish court awarding her custody, but that is not enough.

One can only hope that the ending of this story is better than what has transpired thus far.

Jesus Navarro-Montes extradited from mexico on charges realted to death of Border Agent Luis Aguilar

Department of Justice announced the extradition of Jesus Navarro-Montes from the Republic of Mexico. According to the indictment, recently unsealed in San Diego federal court, Mr. Navarro-Montes is charged in a three-count superseding indictment with federal narcotics violations and second-degree murder in connection with the death of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol Agent Luis Aguilar on January 19, 2008.

Navarro-Montes arrived today in Houston, Texas, where he will be presented in United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas as thta is the place of his entry into teh USA. Mr. Navarro-Montes will then be transferred to the Southern District of California where the charges were filed and he will then make his initial appearance in court.

According to the superseding indictment, Agent Aguilar was on duty on January 19, 2008, in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area in Imperial County, California, when he was struck and killed by a Hummer H2 driven by Navarro-Montes. The superseding indictment further alleges that Navarro-Montes conspired to distribute marijuana beginning at a date unknown and continuing up to and including January 19, 2008. The superseding indictment was handed up by a federal grand jury sitting in San Diego on May 6, 2009, and unsealed on May 14, 2009. The superseding indictment replaced an initial indictment handed up by a San Diego federal grand jury on February 18, 2009, alleging that Navarro-Montes had possessed with intent to distribute approximately 445 kilograms of marijuana on September 23, 2007.

Ex-President of Guatemala Alfonso Portillo arrested, he has been charged in federal court in New York money laudering and embezzling $1.5 million

Police in Guatamala captured ex-President Alfonso Portillo at a beach preparing to flee Guatemala by boat Tuesday, a day after U.S. authorities charged him with laundering money stolen from foreign donations to buy children's books.

It was reported that Guatamalan authorities had been following Mr. Portillo for four days before arresting him at a seaside resort thta day after a U.S. indictment was unsealed in federal court in New York charging Portillo embezzled $1.5 million in donations from Taiwan intended to buy school library books.

Portillo allegedly endorsed checks drawn from a New York bank and deposited them in a Miami account. The money then allegedly was transferred to a Paris account in the name of his ex-wife and daughter.

Portillo was arrested on a U.S. extradition warrant, winning American praise. According to statement released by the U.S. Embassy in that Central American nation "The precedent this sets -- that nobody is above the law -- is extremely important for the rule of law."


El ex presidente de Guatamela Alfonso Portillo fue capturado en la costa nordeste de Guatemala a pedido de una corte federal de Nueva York en donde enfrenta cargos de lavado de dinero, sin embargo, el ex gobernante había sido antes extraditado desde México a pedido de la justicia guatemalteca en donde es imputado en un caso de corrupción.

“El ex presidente no puede ser entregado a un tercer país como consecuencia de los tratados internacionales que existen entre los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y el estado de Guatemala. Se necesita la autorización de México (para entregarlo) dado que el requerido (Portillo) se encuentran aquí extraditado de ese país” explicó a la agencia AP la fiscal guatemalteca Eunice Mendizábal.

La justicia guatemalteca gestionó ante el gobierno mexicano la extradición del sospechoso, la cual se concretó el 7 de octubre del 2008. Al comparecer ante un juez, Portillo quedó en libertad al pagar una fianza de cerca de 120.000 dólares, aunque seguía siendo procesado.

Tras su captura el martes, Portillo fue recluido en una prisión de la capital guatemalteca mientras un tribunal comenzó a examinar el pedido de extradición de las autoridades estadounidenses, algo que su abogado defensor Telésforo Guerra intenta impedir mediante dos recursos que presentó en la jornada.

Aun si México avala entregar a Portillo a la corte estadounidense, Guatemala puede negarse a entregarlo según normas de derecho internacional, según Guerra.

El defensor explicó a la AP que en las acciones judiciales que interpuso argumenta que un jefe de estado no puede ser traslado a otro país y, según Guerra, los delitos que se le imputan a su patrocinado habrían ocurrido cuando era presidente de Guatemala, además sostuvo que Portillo jamás llevó dinero a Estados Unidos por lo que no puede ser juzgado en ese país por el delito de lavado de dinero.

Alleged narco Fausto Fernando Newball Archbold arrested in Colombia

Colombian authorities today arrested Panamanian born Fausto Fernando Newball Archbold, who is wanted in the Middle District of Florida USA on conspiracy to import cocaine into the United States beginning in or about 2001. Mr. Newball Archbold was detained on the Caribbean island of Providencia and is now being processed for extradition to EEUU.


La policía colombiana detuvo a un presunto narcotraficante colombo-panameño en la isla caribeña de Providencia, que está requerido por autoridades de Estados Unidos en la corte federal de la Florida en Tampa por tráfico de drogas.

El detenido fue identificado como Fausto Fernando Newball Archbold, de 42 años y quien, según las fuentes, está solicitado por una corte federal en el estado de La Florida EEUU por los delitos de tráfico, fabricación y porte de cocaina.

Segun los informes se alega que el Sr. Newball Archbold participó en el envío de cocaína a partir de 2001 desde la costa caribe colombiana y de Venezuela a puertos centroamericanos y a través de estos a Estados Unidos.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Court in the Bahamas refuses to extradite Victor Kozeny to USA

At the end of January a Bahamian court rejected a request by the USA to extradite Czech-born financier Viktor Kozeny who is charged in the USA with bribery and money laundering,
lawyers for the US Department of Justice were appeallaing a prior order denying extradition in 2007. After that order of denial of extradition Mr. Kozeny was released, although he had been in custody for two years on the basis of the USA extradition warrant.

Acording the USA Department of Justice, Mr. Kozeny is suspected in a scheme to bribe oil industry officials. This bribery scheme then led to USA investors losing some 350 million dollars.

Mr. Kozeny has maintained his innocence and has alleged insufficiency of evidence to extradite him. Mr. Kozeny, now an Irish citizen, is also wanted by the Czech law enforcement bodies on suspicion of vast economic crime. Czech authorities, too, have unsuccessfully asked the Bahamas for Kozeny's extradition in connection with embezzelment charges in that country.

US and EU Finalized Extradition Agreement Last Week

The United States of America and the European Union have put into effect agreements on extradition and legal cooperation negotiated after the September 11 attacks, the United States Justice Department announced.
The main highlight of the accord includes an agreement by the USA not to seek the death penalty for suspects extradited by any EU member state. The agreement is valid for five years.

In an official statement the USA Department of Justice said that:

“The agreements will further strengthen common efforts in the fight against terrorism and transnational crime by enabling the use of modern tools of cooperation between US and EU Member States authorities.”

Additionally, the agreement “replaces lists of offenses that are deemed extraditable with a modern dual criminality standard; contains measures to streamline the exchange of information and transmission of documents; sets rules for determining priority in competing requests for surrender of a fugitive; and contains a provision allowing extradition to be conditioned on non-application of the death penalty,” the communique elaborated.

General Manual Antonio Noriega's Saga Continues

The long and tortured tale of former Panamian Manuel Antonio Noriega battles in teh courts of the United States of America continue. Noriega is currently fighting extradition to Panama.

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the appeal of the order of extradition filed by Noriega and his lawyers. The next day, prosecutors went before Judge Paul Huck in Miami to present a petition requesting he revoke the suspension of extradition which has been in force while Noriega was pursuing his appeal.

Prosecutors emphasized that the extradition order has already been delayed two years, since he completed his jail sentence, and that during that time, Noriega "has taken full advantage of the legal mechanisms at his disposal."
The prosecutors argued that as the Supreme Court rejected the appeal, it is time to proceed with extradition. Noriega’s lawyers, headed by noted Miami criminal defense lawyer Frank Rubino said that the position of the Supreme Court on the treatment of "enemy combatants" has evolved during the fight against terrorism, so it "is of national interest" that the Court reviews the Noriega case anew. According to Rubino and teh defense this analysis will be key for determining the rights of prisoners held jointly under American law and the Geneva Convention. The defense has until May 19 to respond to the Supreme Courts decision not to review the District Court's order.
"The only one who has suffered is General Noriega, and he is very willing to stay where is until the Supreme Court decides his request for review," the Rubino stated in Court.

Dominican Republic effectuates extradition of Heriberto Almonte Reyes alias “El Gordo” and two others

In Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic authorities effectuated the transfer to Puerto Rico via extradition to the United States of America of Heriberto Almonte Reyes alias “El Gordo”. This extradition was completed after a process in the Dominican Supreme Court for extradition of Mr. Reyes a native of the seaside town of Puerto Plata. Mr. Reyes was extradited along with ex lieutenant of the Navy Carlos Rossó Peña, and ex captain of Coast Guard Miguel Antonio Suárez Silfa

Las autoridades dominicanas entregaron ayer en extradición a Heriberto Almonte Reyes, conocido como “El Gordo”, quien está vinculado a una organización de lavado de dinero y tráfico de drogas en el país, conjuntamente con el ex teniente de la Marina de Guerra, Carlos Rossó Peña, y el ex capitán de corbeta, Miguel Antonio Suárez Silfa.

La entrega ocurre luego que la Cámara Penal de la Suprema Corte autorizara su extradición, tras fusionar tres expedientes de solicitud de extradición de la embajada de EEUU y la Procuraduría General de la República.

Feds in PR Seek Extradition of Dominican accused of Human Trafficking

Federal authorities in PR have asked teh governmnet of Dominican Republic to extradite Deyanira Altagracia Lora who is alleged to have mastermined the trafficking of Dominian s and others into Puerto Rico by sea. Ms. Lora is a Domincan national.

Spanish News:

Autoridades en Puerto Rico piden extradición de presunta jefa de red que llevaba personas a Puerto Rico procedente de Republica Dominicana. Se alega que la Señotia Lora llegó a introducir decenas de dominicanos y de otras nacionalidades a la isla desde diversos puntos del país y que a cada uno de los indocumentados cobraba entre cinco a siete mil dólares.

Extradition of Daniel Rendón Herrera "Don Mario" To USA Moving Forward

Today 5 February 2010, the Colombian prosecutor asked the Colombian Supreme Court to grant the extradition of Daniel Rendón Herrer alias "Don Mario", who is alleged by the Colombian government to be one of the most powerful drugs traffickers. Don Mario is wanted in New York on trafficking and terrorism charges.

"La Procuraduría de Colombia avaló ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia la extradición de "Don Mario", considerado uno de más poderosos traficantes de drogas colombianos y requerido por la Corte del Distrito sur de Nueva York por tráfico de estupefacientes y terrorismo."

""Don Mario", jefe paramilitar desmovilizado del Bloque Elmer Arenas de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC), que operaba en el Chocó, donde dirigía el brazo armado junto con su hermano Freddy Rendón "El Alemán", fue capturado el 15 de abril del 2009 en el departamento Antioquia (noroeste)."

Full article available at

Nosotros en Mercado & Rengel como abogados penalistas experimentados en asuntos internacionales estamos bien informados sobre los procesos de la Interpol y estamos listos para ayudarles en materias de extradición, penales o simplemente si están preocupados por su situación legal en general. No dude en contactar con nosotros en Madrid +34 914 02 36 57 o Miami 305-432-2199, correo electrónico a

TPS Approved for Haitians

The US Department of Homeland Security has approved TPS (Temporary Protected Status for Haitians) for 18 months. U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will process immigration applications for TPS filed by nationals of Haiti (and other individuals without nationality who last habitually resided in Haiti). Additional information was published in the Federal Register on Jan. 21, 2010 announcing the Secretary's decision to designate TPS for Haiti. DHS estimates that approximately 100,000 to 200,000 individuals will be eligible for TPS.

Q. What is Temporary Protected Status?
TPS is granted by the Secretary of Homeland Security to eligible nationals of a certain country (or persons without nationality who last habitually lived in that country) who have experienced temporary negative conditions, such as armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions, that prevent nationals of the country from returning safely or for the country to handle their return adequately. TPS allows for beneficiaries to remain in the United States and legally work for a set time period until they can safely return home. (See Section 244 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. § 1254a.)

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The topics whicg will be addressed include but not are limted to:
  • Criminal Matters - pending charges, grand jury subpoenas, target letters, appeals, current legal issues
  • Immigration Matters - visas, applications, appeals to the Immigration Board of Appeals, the United States District Courts or the Courts of Appeal
  • Faily Law - adoptions, custody issues, child support
  • Other legal matters of interested to our readers, clients and friends

This blog is published by the law firm of Mercado & Rengel, PA previously form Miami, FL USA and now based in Madrid, Spain.

Beneficios de Contratar a un Abogado de Inmigración Para que lo Represente

Como cualquier persona que haya pasado por el proceso le dirá, descifrar cualquier área de la ley de inmigración de EEUU no es nada fácil y...